Darfon Solar
Official Website:https://darfonsolar.com
Darfon Solar is a company that specializes in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of solar energy solutions. We are known for our high-quality solar photovoltaic (PV) modules and inverters. In addition to solar modules and inverters, we also offer monitoring and control systems, energy storage solutions, and other accessories related to solar power installations. Darfon believes in creating solar power solutions that are efficient, dependable, and user-friendly. Darfon Solar is a division of Darfon Electronics Corp. Darfon Electronics Corporation, established in 1997, is a Taiwan-based company with global offices in the United States, the Czech Republic, and South Korea. It is one of sixteen independently operated companies in the BenQ Group. Darfon recorded consolidated annual sales revenue of approximately $1 billion USD and employs 16,200 people worldwide.
Manufacturer Categories
Capacitors (896)
Ceramic Capacitors (896)